Best Jerk Marinades On The Market

Best Jerk Marinades On The Market Number 1

There are a few things you need to create finger-licking jerk chicken right from the comfort of your own home. One such thing is a proper marinade; some would argue this is the most important. On the US market, there are a few that claim to be authentic, but I would wager that if you haven’t tried Reggae Spice Company’s instant wet marinades, you have been short-changed. I also have a personal favorite DIY marinade, but I have not made a batch in over a year. This marinade from Reggae Spice is so good that I use nothing else. 

Reggae Spice company is an American company, based in Spanish Fork Utah. A place that one would never be looking to find Jerk marinades. The very first time I placed an order for this marinade, I too was skeptical. As a cook, however, an open mind can be your greatest asset. I wanted to see if this was for real. I have tried many marinades just to see how well they represent the culture. I am not simply out to judge but to learn how these companies see our flavors.

The very first thing that impressed me was the packaging. The external packaging of the reggae spice line of marinades screamed vibrance, flavor, culture, and most importantly, intent. The package grabbed my attention, as I am sure the designer had intended. The Illustrations of coconut trees, the hummingbird as well as the color scheme are instant winners.  If you want to get more drawn in, the rasta man riding a bicycle with the Jamaican flag on the other side of the packaging was genius.

best jerk


Best Jerk: Let’s look inside 

I was excited to see my first jar and I did a few youtube videos on the products themselves. The ingredients on the label stuck out to me. These were things that I put into my DIY marinade, mostly. The texture was absolutely perfect as if I had blended it myself. I could just imagine the dark brown caramel color transforming my cook to a masterpiece. When I scooped out some of the marinade and my eyes witnessed the actual whole allspice berries, it was over. I was in love. From now on, this will be the benchmark to which I would judge an instant marinade.

Best Jerk: My recommendations 

Don’t just take my word for it. Give them a try and see firsthand how it works out. Points to note are as follows. 

  • The hot and spicy flavors are HOT.
  • The sweet and sassy is very mild. 
  • It works instantly and does not need to sit overnight. 
  • Use as recommended
  • The marinades and Keto and Vegan friendly
  • Use as a marinade, not a sauce

There are many but this one is real. Real flavor. Real results. Real fast. Real Good. Allow Reggae Spice Marinades to slap your tastebuds and everything else will instantly become mediocre. 



  • Mark , September 9, 2022 @ 9:48 pm

    Thanks for your blog, nice to read. Do not stop.

    • kunchi , October 31, 2022 @ 2:55 pm

      I appreciate your input.

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